Practices vs. Goals

Inspiring guidance from Innermade


A bit of insight that I'd like to share. I joined a newsletter from Innermade and receive lovely letters filled with gentle reminders and daily rituals to help me connect and ground myself.

I found this recent one, on Practices vs. Goals very resontaing, and with the permission of Irisa, the founder of Innermade, I'd like to share a short glipse of the whole text with you. But to access in full I'd recommend you to sign up and also follow Innermade on Instagram, I find their daily pieces of wisdom to be effective reminders to myself to slow down.

Here goes.


“The reason why goals become problematic lies in its influence on how we think. Putting too much emphasis on goals is another way of valuing the future over the present. Goals gives us an inflated view of a “future, better self” at the expense of our current one. Not only does this way of thinking deny self-acceptance, it divorces us from the craft of incremental progress through curiosity.”


“Not only are practices much more enjoyable and sustainable, they foster healthier relationships to the daily work we do. This releases us from habits of self-criticism and centers our attention on consistency, process, and purpose.
In the method of practice, goals become more intuitive and adaptable, serving as markers of progress rather than final destinations.”


P.S. I hope you enjoyed this excerpt as much as I did, and found it useful for the way you think about your own path to wellness. And thank you to Irisa for allowing me to share it and for continuing to create these thoughtful reminders.

Maryia, founder of Virmary


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